Goats are small ruminants that require daily intake of hay and grass forage. We use a couple different types of hay depending on the dietary requirements of our goats. During the summer months and into the fall our does are on a grass hay mix as well as free choice grass pasture, once the does are half way through their pregnancies we start feeding a higher protein, good quality alfalfa hay to help keep up with their growing babies and to aide in supporting milk production through their full lactation. Bucks and wethers remain on grass hay year round and we limit alfalfa and grains to only during extreme cold spells in the winter months.
Our lactating does and growing babies get mixed grains such as dairy ration (we get ours from Country Junction feeds, labeled Dairy Goat Ration), soaked beet pulp and plain rolled oats. It’s important to ease into feeding grains so as to not upset the goats rumen. We do find adding grain to the diet beneficial for keeping our does in good condition while they are producing milk.